How to Get Lasting Back Pain Relief With Physical Therapy

How to Get Lasting Back Pain Relief With Physical Therapy

Back Pain

Are you dealing with nagging back pain? Did you know that physical therapy is one of the most effective ways to resolve back pain and have lasting relief? Our highly trained therapists at Miss-Lou Physical Therapy are experts at getting to the source of your pain and, more importantly, giving you solutions to finally resolve it!

Back pain is a common problem affecting millions of people annually, causing discomfort and hindering daily activities. If you are one of these individuals, you may be searching for a solution to alleviate your back pain and improve your quality of life.

Fortunately, physical therapy at Miss-Lou Physical Therapy offers a wide range of treatments for resolving back pain, focusing on a holistic, patient-centered approach. We will explore the nature of your condition and provide you with the most effective treatments to relieve your back pain.

Call today to request an appointment and learn more about our programs for resolving back pain!

Different types of back pain treated by physical therapy

There are several types of back pain, each with its unique symptoms and causes. The most common types of back pain include the following:

Acute Low Back Pain: Acute low back pain is a sudden onset that usually lasts for a short period, typically less than six weeks. It is usually caused by a strain or sprain, such as lifting a heavy object or twisting awkwardly.

Physical therapy for acute low back pain usually involves exercises to improve flexibility, strength, and stability. These may include stretching, strengthening exercises, and stabilization exercises to help improve posture and prevent future injury.

Chronic Low Back Pain: Low back pain is persistent pain lasting more than three months. It is often caused by a combination of factors, including poor posture, inactivity, and degenerative changes in the spine. Physical therapy for chronic low back pain relieves symptoms and improves overall function.

Herniated Disc: A herniated disc occurs when the soft center of a spinal disc bulges out and presses on the spinal nerves. This can cause pain, numbness, or weakness in the back, legs, or arms. Physical therapy for herniated disc pain often includes techniques to reduce pressure on the spinal nerves.

Sciatica: Sciatica is a type of pain that travels down the leg, often caused by compression of the sciatic nerve. A herniated disc, spinal stenosis, or spinal arthritis often cause it. Physical therapy for sciatica may include exercises to improve mobility and manual therapy techniques to reduce pressure on the sciatic nerve.

Degenerative Disc Disease: Degenerative disc disease is a condition resulting from aging or wear and tear on the spinal discs. It can cause back pain and limited mobility. Physical therapy for degenerative disc disease may involve exercises to improve joint mobility, core strength, and stability and exercises to improve posture and body mechanics.

Spinal Stenosis: Spinal stenosis is a condition in which the spinal canal narrows, putting pressure on the spinal cord and nerves. This can cause back pain, leg pain, and difficulty walking or standing for extended periods.

Physical therapy for spinal stenosis may include exercises to improve posture, core stability, and balance and coordination drills to ensure you can function normally with daily tasks.

Physical therapy at Miss-Lou Physical Therapy is a highly effective method for managing and alleviating this pain. Our team will implement proven strategies to help your mobility and strength so you can stay active and prevent future injuries.

What to expect at your Miss-Lou Physical Therapy sessions

The treatment approach we take at Miss-Lou Physical Therapy is divided into two phases: assessment and treatment. During the assessment phase, the therapist will gather information about the patient’s pain and movements through observation, manual tests, and patient self-reports. This information is then used to determine the underlying cause of the patient’s pain and to develop a treatment plan.

During the treatment phase, your therapist will use various techniques, including exercise, manual therapy, and patient education, to help the patient reduce pain and improve their movement patterns.

In addition, our therapists will also work with the patient to develop self-treatment strategies to use at home to help manage their pain and maintain their progress.

One of the fundamental principles of our Miss-Lou Physical Therapy approach is that patients should be actively involved in their care. This means that patients are encouraged to be proactive in their treatment, take an active role in their rehabilitation, and learn how to manage their symptoms themselves.

Our Miss-Lou Physical Therapy physical therapists offer a wide range of treatments for resolving back pain, focusing on a holistic, patient-centered approach. Whether you are experiencing acute or chronic back pain, we can help you achieve your goals and improve your quality of life.

Request an appointment with one of our specialists today!

If you are looking for a solution to your back pain, working with our Miss-Lou Physical Therapy physical therapists is essential. We will develop an individualized plan that is right for you. With the right approach and support, you can return to enjoying your daily activities and reduce your risk of future back pain.

Call today to request an appointment with our specialists!


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