
Knee Pain Relief


Say Goodbye To Knee Pain With Physical Therapy!

Have you noticed that walking or going up and down stairs seems more difficult, thanks to your knees?  Knee pain is a common complaint, especially as we get older. Fortunately, the results-oriented physical therapists at Miss-Lou Physical Therapy offer proven solutions to address your knee pain!

You may feel tempted to limit your movement if you’re struggling with knee pain. However, this is likely the opposite of what you should do–regular exercise is crucial in managing or relieving persistent knee pain. Furthermore, there are some cases where knee pain is actually caused by impairments elsewhere in the body, such as the hip or ankle. 

At Miss-Lou Physical Therapy, we’ll help you dig down to the root of your knee pain, including determining if it’s a problem with your knee at all! Once we know the cause of your pain, we’ll develop an evidence-based treatment plan that will get you moving and feeling your best–without the use of dangerous drugs or invasive surgery.

Knee pain doesn’t have to be an inevitable part of growing older. Our expert physical therapists will help you control your pain and improve your mobility–so you can get back to a healthy, active lifestyle!

Request your appointment at our Natchez, Ferriday or Jonesville, MS physical therapy clinic today.

Why Does My Knee Hurt? Understanding the Causes of Knee Pain

Firstly, it’s important to understand that knee pain isn’t always a knee problem. The knee joint relies on the joints above and below it (the hip and the ankle/foot, respectively) to work correctly. Your knee pain might very well be an issue with your hip or ankles, not the knee itself.

That said, there are situations where knee pain is due to an injury or other impairment in the knee. Your knee joint is a complex blend of muscles, nerves, and bones. Every time you bend and straighten that joint, all those tissues must work together to get moving. If something goes wrong in even one area, it could lead to pain.

Fortunately, at Miss-Lou Physical Therapy in Natchez, Ferriday and Jonesville, MS, our physical therapists are experts at getting to the root of your knee pain. 

We fully recognize the potency of information and its significance in our patients’ lives. If you’ve already self-diagnosed a condition or have been diagnosed by a doctor, we view it as a starting point for our collaborative journey. Nevertheless, our ultimate goal is to equip you with a profound comprehension of your body, enabling you to transcend the constraints of your condition and embrace a more wholesome lifestyle.

Central to our approach is patient education, empowering you with knowledge so that you need not feel restricted by symptoms or diagnoses.

Here are some of the conditions and injuries of the knee that could be causing your pain:

  • Arthritis
  • Cartilage Injuries
  • Ligament Injuries
  • Tendinitis
  • Knee bursitis
  • Patellar Dislocation

The physical therapists at Miss-Lou Physical Therapy will always work closely with you to determine why you’re experiencing pain, so we can provide you with evidence-based treatments that will get you the relief you’re looking for.

Get to the source of your knee pain–schedule your appointment today!

Physical therapy for knee pain relief in Natchez, Ferriday and Jonesville, MS

Our team of experts always offers customized, evidence-based treatment plans developed around your specific needs and abilities. 

When you come in for your initial consultation, we’ll start with a comprehensive knee evaluation, including a thorough medical history and hands-on physical assessment. Through various mobility tests, we’ll be able to determine if the problem is your knee or something else, the extent of the injury, and whether or not you might need surgery.

From there, we’ll develop your personalized treatment plan to address your specific needs. We’ll use a blend of different treatment approaches, including the following:

  • Manual Therapy
  • Therapeutic Exercise
  • Functional Training
  • Assistive Devices
  • Education

No matter your specific needs, our dedicated team of physical therapy experts will find the right blend of treatment methods for you. Whether you’re recovering from an injury or preparing for surgery, we’re here to help you find knee pain relief!

Get started with your treatment today! Contact us to schedule your appointment!

Your Next Steps…

  1. Request An Appointment

  2. Receive A Custom Treatment Plan

  3. Work Hard and Progress In Your Recovery

  4. Recover & Enjoy Life Pain-Free!