
Work Injuries


How Physical Therapy Can Help You Recover From Work Injuries!

Physical therapy is an invaluable resource when recovering from work-related injuries. It helps restore function and mobility, promotes healing, reduces pain, and helps prevent future injuries. At Miss-Lou Physical Therapy, our dedicated physical therapist team is committed to helping you return to your daily routine safely and quickly.

Workplace injuries can occur in all types of occupations, from office jobs to construction sites. Common injuries include strains, sprains, repetitive stress injuries, back injuries, and fractures. Accidents involving machinery or falls can also lead to more severe trauma, like spinal cord or head injuries.

The symptoms and conditions resulting from work-related injuries can vary widely. They can range from mild discomfort to severe pain and loss of function. Common symptoms include swelling, bruising, stiffness, decreased range of motion, and difficulty performing normal work tasks.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are nearly three million nonfatal workplace injuries each year. Our physical therapists play a crucial role in treating these individuals, helping them regain strength, mobility, and confidence.

We use a variety of techniques, including exercises to improve strength and flexibility, manual therapy, education about ergonomics, and pain management strategies. Moreover, our highly skilled physical therapists can also play a significant role in preventing future injuries by teaching correct body mechanics and postural awareness.

Our therapists take a patient-centric approach that focuses on the individual’s unique needs. We’re committed to your recovery and helping you get back to work sooner than later!

Don’t let a workplace injury keep you from living your life to the fullest. Contact us today, and schedule an appointment!

Common Workplace Injuries

In our modern work environments, the specter of work-related injuries looms large. These injuries, ranging from minor strains to debilitating conditions, can significantly impact the quality of life and productivity. At Miss-Lou Physical Therapy, we specialize in providing targeted physical therapy solutions. We utilize cutting-edge techniques and evidence-based approaches to help you overcome such injuries and regain optimal health.

We fully recognize the potency of information and its significance in our patients’ lives. If you’ve already self-diagnosed a condition or have been diagnosed by a doctor, we view it as a starting point for our collaborative journey. Nevertheless, our ultimate goal is to equip you with a profound comprehension of your body, enabling you to transcend the constraints of your condition and embrace a more wholesome lifestyle.

Central to our approach is patient education, empowering you with knowledge so that you need not feel restricted by symptoms or diagnoses.

Common Work-Related Injuries and Conditions:

  • Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI)
  • Back Injuries
  • Tendonitis
  • Slip-and-Fall Injuries

At Miss-Lou Physical Therapy, our team of dedicated physical therapists is well-versed in the latest research and most effective treatment methodologies. We are committed to helping you navigate your recovery journey, offering personalized care plans to meet your unique needs and health goals.

Your journey to recovery starts with a simple step, and we’ll be with you every step of the way. Call us now to schedule your first appointment!

What to expect at Miss-Lou Physical Therapy to help you recover from work-related injuries

At Miss-Lou Physical Therapy, we understand that work-related injuries can be a major hurdle, impacting your professional and personal lives. Starting with a comprehensive evaluation, our therapists will meticulously review your medical history. This critical step allows us to understand any pre-existing conditions or prior injuries that may influence your treatment plan. 

Our experts will evaluate your range of motion and strength to assess your current status. By measuring your ability to move joints in different directions and testing your muscle strength, we can pinpoint any limitations or imbalances contributing to your discomfort or impairing your ability to perform certain tasks.

Furthermore, we employ specialized testing and functional movement screens. These assessments help us understand how your body moves as a whole, identifying any compensatory patterns or deficiencies that could affect your recovery. It’s like a puzzle, and every piece of information brings us closer to completing the picture of your health.

At Miss-Lou Physical Therapy, we are proud to take an evidence-based approach to treating injuries sustained at work. This means we use methods that have been rigorously tested and proven effective in peer-reviewed research studies. Our therapists use a variety of treatments depending on your specific needs, including the following:

  • Manual Therapy
  • Therapeutic Exercises
  • Neuromuscular Reeducation
  • Patient Education
  • Ergonomic Training

We believe in not just treating the symptoms but addressing the root cause of your injury. Whether you’re dealing with a sprain, strain, or a more complex injury, our team at Miss-Lou Physical Therapy is ready to guide you through your recovery process. 

Contact us today to schedule your comprehensive evaluation, and let us tailor a recovery plan to your specific needs!

Your Next Steps…

  1. Request An Appointment

  2. Receive A Custom Treatment Plan

  3. Work Hard and Progress In Your Recovery

  4. Recover & Enjoy Life Pain-Free!