How Movement Screens Help Get to the Root of Your Hip and Knee Pain

How Movement Screens Help Get to the Root of Your Hip and Knee Pain

Hip and Knee Pain

Have you been struggling with pain in your hip or knee? Does it feel like they may be connected? At (practice name) in (town), our physical therapists can help you get to the root of your problems. We will identify all the possible factors contributing to your situation so you can resolve them and get back to doing what you love most!

Movement screens are assessments used by physical therapists to identify movement impairments, asymmetries, and limitations that may put an individual at risk for injury. Our skilled therapists can often identify areas of weakness or restrictions in movement that are influencing another region of the body.

Movement screens have been widely studied and are commonly used in various settings, particularly sports medicine and orthopedic physical therapy. At Miss-Lou Physical Therapy, our physical therapists use these tests as part of our comprehensive evaluation at the start of your physical therapy sessions. Our goal is to assess the whole person instead of a diagnosis to ensure you get the results you deserve!

Call our clinic today to request an appointment and learn more about how our movement screens can help you get back to doing what you love!

What are movement screens?

According to the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), movement screens are used to “gauge the quality of movement, identify asymmetries and limitations, and prioritize interventions.” Our (town) physical therapists use the information gathered from movement screens to guide our treatments and to track progress.

These screens are designed to evaluate your fundamental movements, such as squatting, lunging, and bending, to determine their capacity for efficient, pain-free movement. Other movement screens include assessing someone’s gait, balance, and/or coordination.

Our approach to therapy is based on a holistic view where we recognize the interconnectedness and mutual influence of different body regions. A problem in one part of the body can affect other parts. We must consider the whole body and how it functions as a unit to treat any condition effectively.

In the hands of our skilled therapists, a movement screen provides a comprehensive evaluation of an individual’s movement patterns to identify impairments, weaknesses, compensations, and asymmetries. This information allows our team to pinpoint the likely cause of your condition and, in some cases, causes.

Screenings are commonly used to help prevent pain and injury, clarify the direction of a rehabilitation plan, and determine when an individual is ready to return to activity. The initial screening provides a baseline of information that we can retest at a later date to assess progress (or regression). This allows us to determine how effective treatment has been in achieving specific milestones and goals.

If you have pain or discomfort in one part of your body, it can be related to issues in another part of your body. Movement screens are an effective tool our (practice name) physical therapists use to assess and diagnose movement impairments and guide our rehabilitation efforts. In addition, we use them in conjunction with a thorough clinical examination and other diagnostic tests to provide a comprehensive evaluation of the individual and rehab plan.

What to expect at your Miss-Lou Physical Therapy physical therapy visits

Our Miss-Lou Physical Therapy physical therapists are movement experts who will analyze your whole body to determine any restrictions, weaknesses, or abnormalities. By pinpointing the areas of your body that are not moving as they should, we can create a treatment plan to improve your strength, coordination, and overall mobility.

Our holistic approach to physical therapy means we will assess the area of pain or discomfort and the surrounding regions and how they might contribute to the problem. One way we can evaluate your overall movement patterns and posture effectively is through our movement screenings.

In addition, we address the whole person by taking a detailed medical history and identifying any other relevant information to get a complete picture of your body’s function. The benefits of this approach include more accurate diagnoses, more effective treatments, and quicker recoveries.

Your treatment plan will be individualized, based on your specific needs, to help you reach your optimum function with the least effort. Early in our rehabilitation plan, we will likely emphasize restoring your joint(s) range of motion and focusing on alleviating pain.

Our physical therapists are skilled at hands-on interventions. They use patient-centered strategies to provide the most comprehensive treatments to help you resolve your pain and/or restore your function.

We emphasize education and exercise selection as the cornerstones of a successful outcome. With our movement screens, we can spot the root cause of your condition and address the muscles and joints that need treatment. From start to finish, we’re dedicated to your ongoing well-being and helping you reclaim a healthy lifestyle!

Our dedicated team at Miss-Lou Physical Therapy will work to make sure you move better and resolve any limitations that are standing in your way!

Request an appointment today!

If you are suffering from hip and/or knee pain affecting your ability to walk, run or exercise, don’t hesitate to contact Miss-Lou Physical Therapy today!

We offer the results you are looking for!


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