Tom Milliken, II
Tom was born in Baton Rouge, LA and moved to Ferriday, LA with his family at a 15 years old. He is a graduate of Ferriday High School and went on to Louisiana State University. He was a graduate of the first graduating bachelor’s class in physical therapy at the University of Alabama-Birmingham.
Tom started practicing physical therapy in 1979, and was one of the very first physical therapists in the region. He started Miss-Lou Physical Therapy in one small room in a rural hospital and has grown that business to 3 clinics. Tom has worked in all three clinics but is currently seeing patients at our Ferriday, LA location.
Tom is certified in dry needling and Astym. He has a wealth of knowledge from his many years as a physical therapist.
Tom is married to Jeannie Fudickar Milliken. They have two adult children, Summer Milliken Thompson who now works with Tom at his clinics and Dr. Tom Terry Milliken III, a dentist in Vidalia, LA. Tom has 5 grandchildren. In his spare time he maintains gardening, hunting, exercising, traveling the United States and spending time with his friends and family.